Mysterious Mutating Meteor

The fateful element that changes .... everything

"It's in the stars ... the Stars ...!"






“In the Beginning…” 
We see a series of scenes not unlike the Rite of Spring section from Fantasia: 
The Big Bang The cooling earth … 
Unicellular life forms … One of which morphs into a Trilobite … Which morphs into a fish … Which morphs to an amphibian,crawling onto land …
and finally into … Dinosaurs.

NARRATOR: “For 65 million years they emerged from their eggs — to fight, to eat, to mate, and to die. A vast, seemingly eternal … Circe of Life …”

We see vignettes of egg hatchings, gigantic adversaries facing off, and in a silhouette, one succumbing, as the victor digs in to feast.

NARRATOR: “… repeating and repeating … over and over, and over again — for two hundred million years.

NARRATOR: “Then, one fateful night — came a visitor from space — a visitor that would change … everything.”

We’re following the trail of (what looks like) a huge meteor — headed straight for Earth.

NARRATOR: (“No — it’s not that meteor…”)

As the meteor enters the atmosphere, it’s huge mass burns away, and upon crashing to earth, leaves only a 10-foot wide egg-shaped chunk of rock in a small crater.

NARRATOR: “This was a different, a very special kind of meteor — one that carried a very strange cargo … something … very small. Something that would affect the very large beings of this tiny continent … in a very big way."

In time lapse, we see the meteor cool … we see the sun rise and set a thousand times... until one day — during a monstrous primeval thunderstorm — a massive bolt of lightning strikes the fallen fragment of star stuff, causing it to crack. The fissure begins to glow green with an unearthly energy from within — a pulsing light that becomes more and more intense, until … it “hatches”.

The crack in the top widens, releasing a plume of sparkling fluorescent green dust, which spews forth from the meteorite, rises up, then dissipates, twinkling particles borne away on the breeze.

CUT to the head of a huge T REX as it rises up 30 feet from ground level. The massive head sweeps around majestically, surveying it surroundings. It sniffs, as if perhaps it scents some nearby prey.

In an extreme close-up, we see the monstrous nostrils of the Tyrannosaur inhale a few specks of the floating, glowing dust.

on the T REX’s eye, which squints as though pondering something… as though it were thinking … as though it were … intelligent.

The massive head turns to look right at us – it’s gaze penetrating … a certain glint in the eye …

CUT to the title, chiseled from a hundred tons of stone, crashing to the ground before us:


When strange, glowing spores are released from a fallen meteorite, various effects manifest in the Cretaceous creatures who dwell on the subcontinent that will come to be known as The Headlands.

The spores seem to have caused:

... a quantum leap in the intelligence of all creatures on the small sub-continent they inhabit (The Headlands) — which leads them to form primitive societies, with alliances, traditiions, borders, armies, laws, and poltical intrigues.

... some species to sprout feathers — mutating them toward bird-dom.

  ... a  long-bodied, weaselly, species of reptile to sprout hair, and take to the trees — on their way to becoming the first mammals.

 ...  and PORTENCE, a Pachycephalosaurus (whose egg was no doubt in closer proximity to the meteor) has mutated in an even more extreme
fashion — the spores  have bestowed upon her the gift of 'Cosmic Consciousness' — the power to channel visions (albeit extremely 
random ones) of future Llfe on planet Earth.



Enter a sensitive Outlander, a young raptor who also unknowingly possesses DNA distorted by the magical meteor and whose unlikely love for a certain plucky duckbill named TULIA will fulfill PORTENCE'S oblique prophecy of "a union which will change the fate of the Saurhead race for All Time".

A 'DINO OF DESTINY' named ....



All SAURHEADS characters ©2020 by Joseph Barney and Cary Bates